Syringes Disposal and Needles Sweep Services in Australia

Needles, syringes, and other sharp items are commonly seen in public places because many druggies discard them after unlawful use. EnviroForce provides needles, syringes, and other sharp item disposal services throughout Australia.

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  2. Needles Sweep Services Disposal Of Needles Syringes And Sharp Objects

Needles and syringes should be handled and disposed of in a safe manner.

Needle sweeping is a disposal or cleaning service of sharps, needles and syringes. Usually, these needles and syringes are discarded in public spaces after the illegal use of drugs. Due to the obvious risk of developing blood-borne infections such as HIV, hepatitis B and hepatitis C these sharp objects should be disposed-off properly under the guidance of The Environmental Protection (Waste Management) Regulation.

Needle sweeping service is offered where used needles syringes and sharps are found. EnviroForce disposes of needles, syringes and sharps in a puncture-resistant, rigid-walled, sealed container. Objects or equipment having sharp points, protuberances, or cutting edges capable of cutting or penetrating the skin are referred to as ‘sharps’.

What is a needle sweeping service?

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close up studio shot of syringes 2023 11 27 05 03 21 utc Large

You should never handle needles or syringes if you are not a professional. You should phone us right away at 1300 373 785, and before you do, be sure to relocate any individuals and particularly children who are nearby.

  • Sharps should not be disposed of with ordinary garbage.
  • Needles/syringes should not be thrown down drains since they may be swept out to other places.
  • Do not flush needles or syringes down the toilet.

What if someone finds a used syrige or any sharp?

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Why Choose Enviroforce

EnviroForce is accredited by the NAMC. Our technicians and hygienists have vast experience in this field. Our team is located across all major cities and areas of Australia. We can offer needle sweeping service quickly and can reach any part of Australia.

Needle Sweeping Reports

For more information about Needle and Syringes sweeping clearance reports and certificates please give us a call or use the contact form to leave us a message.

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Mailing Address:

100/42 Manilla St
East Brisbane, QLD 4169


Phone: 1300 373 785
ABN: 33 640 229 152

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